The elections for the student parliament and the student representatives in the senate and the departmental councils will take place at the end of the year. More precisely, they will take place on 06 / 07 December in room 12-168 ("Int. Club"). The polling station is open from 09:00 to 15:00. Votes by absentee ballot must be received by 07.12. at 15:00. Below, you will find the information about the three elections.
Elections for the Student Council have taken place and will take place at the General Assembly of the Student Council.
The election can take place on-site or by postal vote. The application for this can be made, in the meantime, only for the StuPa, under https://www.stupa.uni-kl.de/wahlen/briefwahl.
Faculty Council (FBR)
This is the highest body of the department.
All decisions concerning the department are made here:
The election of the Dean, personnel matters, changes to studies and examination regulations, and much more.
In addition, the faculty council also appoints all other faculty commissions and committees.
A total of ten professors, four students, and three staff members are represented
with voting rights in the faculty council.
All students of the Faculty of Physics are entitled to vote, i.e., physics, biophysics, teaching(first subject physics), PhD students.
Up to eight persons (four members + four successors) are elected. Every student of the Faculty of Physics
can be elected, as there is only one list of nominations. However, you can also enter other persons
to whom you would like to give a vote. Up to eight votes may be cast
(i.e., crosses and added names). Otherwise, the ballot paper is invalid.
The following persons are eligible on the submitted list:
- Aaron Thielmann
- Jens Hartmann
- Franziska Gaß
- Tobias Feuerbach
- Fabian Isler
- Jan Gerhardt
- Anna Damm
The candidates presented themselves with a short text on the German page.
The Senate is the highest university-wide body through which all important decisions concerning our
university are made. Its members are the university president, professors from all faculties,
staff, and four students.
Only one proposal was submitted for the senate election, so a majority vote is required, and
additional persons can be written on the ballot paper.
The following students are available:
- Aaron Hackenberg
- Jonny Klein
- Olivia Schwengler
- Marco Decker
Student Parliament (StuPa)
The student parliament is the decision-making body of the student body. It elects and controls the AStA officers, approves the budget, and decides on programmatic guidelines. It consists of 13 directly elected members.
It is elected by proportional representation. Here, either lists can be elected, or up to 13 votes can be given to people on the ballot. Accumulation (up to three votes per person) and panache (ticking off persons from different election proposals) are allowed.
Absentee voting for the StuPa can be requested at https://www.stupa.uni-kl.de/wahlen/briefwahl.
The two electable lists (Neu(n)anfang and Jusos) can be found at https://www.stupa.uni-kl.de/wahlen/wahlvorschlaege.
Further information can be found on the AStA (StuPa) and the University (FBR und Senate) websites.