Scripts and protocols of oral exams
- Online scripts and protocols from Kaiserslautern
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As we want to keep our scripts up-to-date and continue to expand, we look forward to every cooperation (new scripts, readable transcripts, links to new scripts). Currently, every protocol is in German; you can help us by writing protocols after your oral exams, as we appreciate everything we get.
We offer lecture notes from earlier semesters, and most of them are accessible online. You can find them in the following links.
Online scripts and protocols from Kaiserslautern
- Here are the available protocols. (only accessible from Uni network (use VPN))
- Here, you can fill in a test report online.
- printable form you can hand in in the student's council room
- Document server KLUEDO of the RPTU. This does, however, barely include any scripts of lectures.
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