
Freshman FAQ

Which books to buy at the Beginning of your Studies?

None at first. In most cases, the professor names the needed books in one of the first lectures. But one should always borrow the books at the library first, to check whether they are helpful for you. Sometimes there are better alternatives for your specific style of learning. Asking older students for recommendations often helps at finding books, which really helps at understanding the contents. That way you could save a lot of time, anger and money (as specialist literature is pretty expensive) by working with the right books for your situation. However lectures for experimental physics at the basic studies at our university in Kaiserslautern almost exclusively use the books of W. Demtröder (Experimentalphysik 1 to4, Springer-Verlag) , as W. Demtröder is a former professor of this university. Springer-Verlag claims, that 70% of all students of physics use these books during their basic studies. Furthermore the book "Mathematische Ergänzungen zur Einführung in die Physik" by H.J. Korsch (also a professor of the faculty) could be useful, as the corresponding lecture often is based on that book. This book could additionally be used to look up basic knowledge during the rest of your studies. For the lectures of mathematics the scripts of older or current lectures are often helpful. They are sometimes available for Download on the pages for mathematics or somewhere else for a little fee.

Where to find current time tables?

The timetables or curricula are available at or on the pages of the department at the selection "Studium" in the menu. For students at the RPTU in Kaiserslautern it is often rewarding to use the KIS system, as there is an option to log in with your RHRK account and save your own specific timetable constructed out of modules from the frequently updated curriculum. Actual changes in the used rooms for a lecture or similar things could always be found in the KIS. For questions and comments you could just visit the student council of physics (46/352). Usually we canhelp out.

Where to get scripts for the lectures?

Copys of scripts and presentations (from past semesters as well) are, as long as made available to us, available in the faculty student councils room and could be copied for free any time. Meanwhile many professors offer their scripts for download online on their pages.

How and when could I sign in for exercises?

Usually the procedure is explained in one of the first lectures. Often lists are made available live in the lecture or hang out somewhere, in which you can enter your credentials. Especially for the lectures in mathematics there often are websites to register yourself and sign in for exercises.

How does an exercise actually take place?

In the lectures you are going to receive exercise sheets, which have to be done and submitted. The corrected sheets are given back to you in the exercise, where the correct solutions are explained and questions of all kind (regardless of whether they are related to the exercise, the lecture or anything else) could be asked. The exercises are usually held by older students, while the group size would be around 20 people.

Where can I get older test exams?

Exams are similar to the scripts available in the faculty student council (46/352). The same goes for protocols of oral exams. But we currently do not have old preexams for the lectures Experimentalphysik I and II! However the preexam of the previous semester often is one of the last exercise sheets for those lectures. Under Archive we also have some digital protocols of oral exams available if you are within the network of the university.

How to pay in the canteen?

The student ID is also the payment card for the canteen. The cards do not contain credit at first, so you would have to charge it with some at one of the machines in the foyer of the canteen. Afterwards you could use the card for payment in the Atrium, as well as for all other food expenses. There is an option to sign up for an autoload at the information point as well, which allows you to connect your credit cardto your student ID.

What is the "Abendmensa" (evenings canteen)?

The "Abendmensa" offers a meal in the Atrium every week from Monday to Thursday from 17.30 to 19.00 o'clock during lecture period. Very recommendable, if you have to work at the university up till late.

Whomto ask questions about exam formalities?

It'd be best to visit the students council of physics (46/352), you will probably meet somebody there, who can give you further information or send you to a person that knows more.

Where to find the current examinations regulations?

The current examinations regulations could be found on the pages of the department at the selection "Studium" in the menu.

Where can copy cards be received?

The student ID is also your copy card, which can be charged by switching canteen credit to copy credit at a machine in building 34. You can then use (almost) all payed printing and scanning devices at the university. Further informations can be found on the pages of the RHRK here.

How to receive BAföG-support?

Applications for BAföG-support are available in the tower of administration (47), fifth floor (room number depending on your surname). You could also receive advised in there, if you need further information. Alternatively the Social-speaker of AStA ( GEHÖRT HIER NICHT HIN UND SOLLTE ENTFERNT WERDEN UND RÜCKWÄRTS IST DAS ANDERE AUCH NOCHselaizos) in building 46 can give advise.