Organisation of the work of the student representatives
- Representation of students' interests in the faculty's committees
- Services in the student council room
The work of the faculty-student council is divided into three main areas:
- Representation of students' interests in the faculty's committees
- Services in the student council room
- The work of the individual units
Representation of students' interests in the faculty's committees
For more details, see committee page
Services in the student council room
among other things:
- Spiral bindings at the purchase price.
- Every Monday, the new Spiegel magazine.
- Every Thursday, the new Zeit newspaper.
- Paper cutter.
- Relax and get in touch with students from other semesters.
- Current information from the faculty at the department's student council meeting (public, tuesday at 17:30 in the room 46-378/388 )
This list is subject to possible non-acceptance of elections.
Tasks of the individual units
You may contact the units via e-Mail, by appending to the (german) unit name. Our contact form allows you to approach individual members of the student council as well.
Unit | Members | Description |
AnHeBi |
| The "AnHeBi" unit organizes the christmas party and the summer barbeque. |
Advanced Quantum Physics |
| |
Archiv |
| The "Archiv" unit, the archivists, take care of the digital and analogue provision of scripts and examination reports. In addition, they are responsible for the maintenance of the internal student library,- as well as the book collection of the study centres. |
Bachelor/Master |
| The "Bachelor/Master" unit represents the students of the Bachelor of Physics as well the Master of Physics course. It is, both, the contact for students and the representation of interests towards other committees. Furthermore, it organises information and networking events for the students. |
Biophysik |
| The "Biophysics" unit represents the students of the Biophysics programme. It is, both, the contact for students and the representation of interests towards other committees. Furthermore, it organises information and networking events for the students. |
Diplom |
| The "Diplom" unit represents the students of the physics diploma program. In case of any questions or problmes it's the contact for students as well as the representation of interests of them towards other committees. Furthermore, it offers information and networking events for the students. |
Erstsemester |
| The "Erstsemester-Referat" (unit for freshmen) is giving support in the first phase of your physics course. Therefore, it organises information and networking events during the introduction weeks. It also serves as a contact for freshmen and people who are interested in studying physics. Furthermore, it organises an information event for the "Physikpraktikum I" (physical laboratory course I). |
Fachschaftspflege |
| The "Referat Fachschaftspflege" (~maintenance of the faculty student council room) ensures that the student council room is in an appropriate condition. To this end, it urges everyone to treat the student council room with care. The members are responsible for the regular maintenance of the inventory. |
Fete |
| The "Fete" unit is responsible for the organisation of the Mai and Nikofete |
FiPS |
| The "FiPS" unit represents the students of the FiPS program. It is the go-to contact for students regarding FiPS and is also participating in the introdcution day for the program. |
| The "FSK" unit (Conference of the Faculty Student Councils) is an assembly of representatives of every student body. Each Department has one vote in the assembly, independently of the number of students in the Department. |
Getränke |
| The "Getränke" unit is responsible for the ordering and supply of beverages and sweets for events and the reselling of them in the student council room. |
Homepage |
| The "Homepage" Unit is responsible for the maintenance of our homepage. |
Internationales |
| The international unit is a first contact point for students planning a semester abroad. In addition they should serve as bridge between former students studying abroad and those who plan to do it. |
Kasse |
| The "Kasse" unit (finance responsibles) takes care of all financial affairs of the faculty student council in compliance with the respective constitution and the financial order. |
Keller |
| This unit is responsible for the material rental which the student council provides. It manages the storage in the basement and performs rentals of the items from the basement and the student council room. It keeps the inventory list up to date and makes sure that the items in the inventory stay in good condition. |
Kultur |
| The "Kultur" unit organizes social events like game evenings on a regulary basis. |
Lehramt |
| The "Lehramt" unti represents the students who study to become a teacher of physics and is in regular and close contact with the AG Didaktik of the Department of Physics and the ZfL. It is the contact for the students and the representation of interests towards other committees. Furthermore, they organize events for information purposes and networking. |
Lektorat |
| The "Lektorat" unit (~editorial office) checks written communications and publications for linguistic correctness upon request. |
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit |
| The "Öffentlichkeitsarbeit" unit (unit of public relations) takes care of the external presentation of the student representatives. It manages the social media accounts, designes posters for events and also takes care of the homepage structure. Furthermore, it designes and updates the big poster hanging in the foyer. |
Promotionsstudierende |
| The "Promotionsstudierende" unit (PhD-student unit) represents the PhD students. It is both a contact for students and a representation of interests to other committees. Furthermore, it offers information and networking events for the students. |
Protokoll |
| The "Protokoll" unit writes the minutes of our meetings (general assemblies and student council meetings). It provides the minutes publicly on our homepage (unfortunately only in German). |
IT |
| The "Rechner" unit administrates the IT of the student council and is the contact person for computer issues. |
Ringvorlesung |
| The "Ringvorlesung" unit organizes the lecture series (Ringvorlesung), in which the research groups of the department introduce themselves and conducts this lecture series. It also organizes a fair, where one can find research groups and topics for diploma, bachelor, master or doctoral theses or jobs as an assistant scientist. |
Sprecher |
| The "Sprecher" represent the student council to the outside and chair the student council meetings. They are responsible for all tasks where no other unit is in charge for. Further the "Sprecher" may vote in the FSK if no other representative can be there. |
StuPa |
| The student parliament (short StuPa) is the highest decision-making commitee of the student body. The “StuPa” unit is the representative of the physic student council and supports the StuPa in an advisory voice. |
Technophysik |
| The "Technophysik" unit (Technophysics unit) represents the students of the Technophysics course. It is the go-to contact for students with questions and will stand in for the students interests in other university committees. Furthermore, it offers information and networking events. |
Vorlesungsumfrage |
| The "Vorlesungsumfrage" unit (~lecture survey unit) provides questionnaires for lectures and exercises of the physics department and ensures that the surveys are carried out. The survey will then be evaluated and published by the unit itself. In addition, they take care of the Box of Sorrows. |
ZaPF |
| Das ZaPF-Referat ist für die Vernetzung mit anderen Physik-Fachschaften an anderen Unis zuständig und koordiniert die Teilnahme an der ZaPF(= Zusammenkunft aller Physik Fachschaften. Vernetzung aller deutschsprachigen Physik-Fachschaften). |
Praktikumsfrühstück |
| Das Praktikumsfrühstück-Referat kümmert sich um die Organisation des Frühstücks, das in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit während des Praktikums von der Fachschaft angeboten wird |
Escape-Room |
| The “Escape-Room" unit takes care of the development, expansion, and maintenance of the Escape Physics Lab, which is affiliated with the pupil lab (Schülerlabor). In addition, it organises and executes the escape room on given occasions. |
| The Mental Health First Aiders team serves as a point of contact for students with problems that are not related only to their studies. They assist students with appropriate concerns and make referrals to appropriate services. |
International Master Programs |
| The International Master Programs unit represents the students of all international master programs. It is, both, the contact for students and the representation of interests towards other committees. Furthermore, it organises information and networking events for the students. |